Help a Dog

For our protect, me and Alex are walking dogs to get money then buy dog food with that money and give it to the animal shelter. We think that we should walk dogs because some people don’t have time to walk there dogs. We are thinking that we should Image result for pounds for dogswalk at least 12 dogs and get $100 dollars. I think that we will walk at least walk 20 dogs  and make about $100. The cost will depend on how    long they want there dog(s) walked. 5min= $3   15min = $7, 30min = $15, 1 hour= $20. We fell exited, scared, and  sad. I fell very exited for this project, because Alex and I love seeing the different breeds of dogs. We also fell scared because we are just 11 years old and where putting a lot of effort in this and we think we might get a bad grade, but now we don’t as much. Last we fell sad because all the animals at the animal shelter might not get homes and get “put down”. our goals are getting at least $20 from donations. We will be doing donations at Winners Circle Park. Another one of our deadlines are calling the animal shelter to discuss how and when we can send dog food or toys.  We fell so sorry for the animals in the pound and that’s why we want to help.

See my Visual Aide for more information.

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